About Us

The Story Behind Our Podcast

Behind The Mic

Quentin White

Show Host

Quentin is the weirdo that started this podcast. He is fascinated by events that would cause a regular Joe to ask; “what in the hell happened here?” Quentin had a misspent youth in emergency medicine. Quentin believes the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Dan Sukara

Show Host

Dan Sukara has a wealth of knowledge of pop culture and entertainment that smacks of a Faustian bargain. Dan is also charged with the Herculean task of keeping Quentin from doing dangerous things, Like running with scissors……

About Our Show

In every disaster that occurs, every tragedy that ensues, It is never one sole causality. As investigations progress, there are always multiple factors that emerge.  Our Show examines and discusses these event to give an insight to these events in the hopes of understanding, “What in the Hell happened here?”